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Farm Update - 24th January 2025

Photo of the school farm with 'farm update' written over it

Year 8 pupils have been busy clearing the weeds and debris from the polytunnel and are looking forward to planting some veg here and on the compound at the back of science now that the ground is workable again.

Before Christmas, we bought some new leads and collars for the goats and pupils have enjoyed taking the goats for a stroll, weather permitting.

Over the harsh winter, pupils helped grit the farm first thing in the morning to make the area safe for everyone. When all the water on the farm froze up, they worked hard filling and carrying buckets out to all the animals. They were a huge help.

Pupils have also enjoyed putting up new hangers in the changing area and also repurposing some Christmas trees as scratching posts for the goats (after the goats had stripped all the greenery off them!)  Also, new scratching brushes have been fixed in the goat’s and Mabel’s area by pupils, which are being well used already.

Many thanks to Morrisons for the veg they kindly donated at Christmas, which helped out enormously in giving the animals a nice variety.

          the polytunnel, clear of debris   the icy path leading up to the school farm   donated veg from Morrisons

                  One of our goats on a walk   One of the goats using the new scratching brush