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About Us

Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence

A Message from our Headteacher

Welcome to Reddish Vale High School!

In my role as the Headteacher it gives me great pleasure to warmly welcome you to Reddish Vale High School.  The School is in an exciting period of transition and improvement through dedicated leadership, strong governance and a collaborative partnership with the South Manchester Learning Trust the school is on a journey to successful development.  We are fully committed to the challenge of securing personal growth and academic excellence for the whole School community.   

The aspirational vision is one of ‘Positively changing lives’, recognising that school and education should be focused on developing every individual pupil as a confident, articulate, well-mannered and resilient young person ready to make a really positive contribution to the community, in addition to the pursuit of academic excellence, through outstanding pupil progress.

With an excellent set of improving GCSE results and ongoing improvements in pupil progress we have no doubt that Reddish is already at a very significant stage on the journey to being awarded ‘good provider’ status and this is how parents and carers should now consider the school. However, this is only a starting point and I have huge expectations of all the pupils and staff at Reddish as we set about our journey to become an ‘outstanding’ school.

Choosing a Secondary School is an important decision and one which will shape your child’s future.  Experiences in secondary education help to mould a person’s character and prepare them for adulthood.  At Reddish Vale we welcome a diverse community of young people who are learning about themselves, one another and the community around them.

We place great importance on our core purpose of teaching and learning and supporting our pupils in developing the skills, knowledge, attitudes and personal qualities which will enable them to flourish and succeed in a rapidly changing world. Our staff work incredibly hard to ensure that each individual pupil realises his or her potential and this combined with excellent teaching and high expectations for success, has culminated in improved levels of academic attainment and progress throughout the school.

The school provide an inclusive, stimulating and challenging curriculum which is personalised to meet the needs, abilities and interests of all our pupils providing that essential combination of challenge and support.  Our broad curriculum offers pathways appropriate to pupils’ future needs, whether they are our wide range of GCSEs in academic courses, vocational qualifications, careers guidance or functional skills. Beyond the curriculum we offer a varied and diverse range of enrichment opportunities and experiences to encourage pupils to develop their talents to the full and offer opportunities for volunteering, community and charity work.

Learning is enhanced  by excellent facilities and latest technologies which include; fully networked classrooms, a new purpose built SEN building, 15 computer suites, an open access library, a purpose bespoke performing arts block, sports hall, floodlit Astroturf playing surface, swimming pool and farm.

High quality, committed staff provide a positive, disciplined, safe, caring and nurturing environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every pupil progresses and thrives. Our pupils are encouraged to achieve to their best personally, academically, physically and socially. High expectations and standards are driven through teamwork and underpinned through the schools core values of; Respect, Aspiration, Determination and Independence.

This provides only a brief introduction to our school community and a flavour of our ethos and values.  We hope very much that it will encourage you to visit us to see our school in operation.  The pupils, staff and I look forward to welcoming you at our Open events or alternatively via a pre-arranged personal visit.