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Latest News and Events

Here at Reddish Vale High school, we have many events taking place throughout the academic year. See our latest news and events here.

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  • Summer Newsletter 2024

    Published 19/07/24

    Please find the summer Newsletter below, which includes news and events from this term, as well as a message from Ms Earle, our CEO and Mr Moroney, our Acting Headteacher. 

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  • Attendance and Punctuality Letter

    Published 12/01/24

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Please see below an important letter regarding attendance and punctuality. Please may we ask that you take the time to read this letter. 

    Many thanks, RVHS. 

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  • Farm Update - 5th July 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    This week farm club and intervention pupils had a hand in repurposing an old hat stand and made a great folding mesh lid for the guinea pig outdoor run, Year 7 morning club pupils gave our three guinea pigs a bath, intervention pupils made a great small table for the feed room and after school club pupils did a great a job deep cleaning the goat’s area.

    Morning clubs run five days a week and afternoon clubs run Mon to Wed and are very popular with many more pupils showing an interest.

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  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

    Published 24/06/24

    Well done to our Year 10 pupils who successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition on Friday 21st - Saturday 22nd June with a trek through Edale using their compass and navigation skills, followed by an overnight camping stay where they pitched tents and cooked food over campfires.

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  • Farm Update - 21st June 2024

    Published 21/06/24

    As well as the daily farm tasks, pupils have been busy weeding and cleaning the paths around the farm, fitting new hey racks and re-painting doors, fences and the goats play furniture.

    After school club pupils also had the ingenuous idea of repurposing an old brush head and designed and constructed a boot cleaner by building a frame, securing and painting it.

    All of the work you see in the photos below has been done by our pupils - what a great achievement!

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  • Farm Update - 24th May 2024

    Published 24/05/24

    Farm intervention pupils helped with the installation of a slide in the goats pen this week and The Y10 animal care pupils helped with the shearing of Heidi the sheep.
    As well as the after school clubs, the morning clubs are running 5 days a week and are well attended. Pupils set the farm off to a good start each day in this, feeding watering and administering meds to Horace and Pepper. Horace seems to have made a full recovery from his recent illness and is as lively as ever.
    Our new bearded dragon is officially called Spike as this was the most popular suggestion amongst pupils.

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  • Aston Sixth Form College - Year 10 Open Evening

    Published 22/05/24

    Ashton Sixth Form College are hosting a Year 10 Open Evening on Tuesday 9th July 4.30-7.30pm. You must have a ticket in order to attend this event. Tickets are free and are available to download by scanning the QR code on the flyer below. Alternatively, you can book your ticket here

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  • Farm Update - 10th May 2024

    Published 10/05/24

    Farm club and intervention pupils have had another busy week on the farm, painting and installing the goat’s play furniture and painting Mabel’s new fence post.

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  • Destination Higher Education

    Published 09/05/24

    On 8th May 2024, 40 Year 10 pupils attended the Destination Higher Education event at Manchester Metropolitan University, where they created their own societies and then presented them to a group of University students. 

    The pupils' behaviour and attitude was exceptional, and we are so proud of each and every one of them.

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  • Farm Update - 3rd May 2024

    Published 03/05/24

    The farm has a new addition! A bearded dragon has joined the farm, and we are currently in the process of naming him. Pupils have made some fantastic suggestions so far.

    Also, farm club and intervention pupils have been busy on the farm, helping with the daily jobs, maintenance and cleaning. The biggest job has been jet washing the goat’s area in the barn and removal of panels to gain access to the hay store.

    Horace the Alpaca is improving after a visit from the vet - he is his lively self and has a healthy appetite.

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