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Ex Year 11 GCSE Certificate Collection Dates

Dear Ex Year 11 pupils and parents/carers,

Exam certificates have now arrived and will be available for collection from reception at the following times:

Friday 27th November: 11am-1pm
Monday 30th November - Thursday 3rd December: 4pm-5pm

Please note, if you are unable to collect them in person, someone may collect them on your behalf, but they will need to bring written permission from yourself, as well as a form of ID.

Congratulations on your results and your hard work and dedication over the past 5 years. We hope you have taken some fantastic memories away with you. We would love to arrange a leaver's event for you all, when it is safe to do so. 

Those of you who have received an award in our Virtual Awards Evening will receive your certificates along with your Exam certificates. 

Well done to all of you. We really hope that you are enjoying your post-16. Please keep in touch, as we would love to hear from you.