Year 6 to 7 Transition Assignments with GCSE Pod
Dear Reddish Vale Student,
To ensure you have the best possible start in your subjects at Reddish Vale High School, our team of dedicated teachers have prepared assignments for you to complete before the start of the new academic year 2019/20. These will be completed on GCSE Pod, which can be accessed by following the instructions on the other side of this letter.
The assignments
Assignments will be prepared for you in English, maths and science but other subjects may follow. For each assignment you will be required to watch at least one pod on a key topic and answer the questions that follow. You can watch the pods more than once. The questions are multiple choice so you will receive a score and feedback right away at the end of each assignment once it is complete.
We appreciate that you have earned a well-deserved rest over the summer holiday after such a demanding final year at primary school. So we intend on rewarding those who go the extra mile to give them the possible start at Reddish Vale.
Here is an overview of how your efforts will be rewarded:
- 10 RADIs for every assignment completed
- Limited edition GCSE Pod certificates for students who complete every assignment
- GCSE Pod badges for students who make excellent progress on the assignments
Your chance to make an impression
This is an ideal opportunity for you to not only get a head start on your subjects, but to form a positive impression in the eyes of your teachers and the leadership team at Reddish Vale.
I look forward to monitoring your progress over the holidays!
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are delighted to confirm that your child now has access to GCSEPod’s library of over 6,000 ‘Pods,’ 3-5 minute videos designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts. GCSEPod makes learning and revision much more manageable: every Pod is mapped to your child’s curriculum, and contains all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams that your child needs for academic success.
One of the best things about GCSEPod is that you can download any Pod to your child’s mobile device, and then they can watch them at any time, in any place: with or without internet. It’s like they’re carrying a whole set of text books in their pocket! Make sure you download the GCSEPod app from the App Store (Apple and Android are supported) to access this feature.
GCSEPod also has the ability to identify gaps in what your child knows, and automatically send playlists to help fill them. After completing any homework set on GCSEPod, your child will get a personalised “Boost Playlist” of Pods relevant to their identified areas of weakness. We strongly suggest you make sure your child reviews these playlists regularly as this will speed up their progress.
We recommend that you talk about GCSEPod with your son or daughter – make sure they’ve successfully activated their account and encourage them to make use of this amazing resource throughout their GCSEs. Once they’ve activated their account, they can browse the Pod library and create their own playlists – just as they would when they’re listening to music.
For more ways you can help support your child using GCSEPod, please visit www.gcsepod.com/parents where you’ll find lots more information and resources.
Your child has already been registered with GCSEPod, so all they need to do is activate their account by following the instructions below. If your child has already activated but can’t remember their username and password, please ask them to contact a member of staff.
- Go to www.gcsepod.com and click “Login” in the top right-hand corner
- Click “New here? Get started.”
- Select “Student”
- Enter your child’s name, date of birth and confirm the school name.
- Create a username, password, and a password hint to help you remember the password.
- Click on the “assignments” link to complete a range of summer projects designed by our Reddish Vale team to get your child secondary school ready.
If you have any questions regarding GCSEPod please contact Mr Bourne who is GCSEPod Lead for the school.
Yours faithfully,
Mr K Bourne – Assistant Headteacher