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Anti-Bullying Advice

Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence

Anti-Bullying Advice

At Reddish Vale High School bullying, in any of its forms, will not be tolerated. All pupils are entitled to receive their education within a safe and happy environment where pupils are encouraged to show respect for one another. It is the responsibility of all to ensure that the education of pupils at Reddish Vale High School takes place in an atmosphere that is caring and protective.

Bullying can be described as being ‘a deliberate act done to cause distress solely in order to give a feeling of power, status or other gratification to the bully. Bullying can range from ostracising, name-calling, teasing, threats and extortion, through to physical intimidation, assault on persons and/or their property and can happen face to face or online.
It can be an unresolved single frightening incident that casts a shadow over a child’s life, or a series of such incidents.’

Staff, parents, carers and pupils at Reddish Vale High School work together to create a happy, caring and safe learning environment. Bullying, whether verbal, physical or indirect, is not tolerated. It is everyone’s responsibility to try to prevent occurrences of bullying and to deal with any incidents quickly and effectively.

Bullying may be brought to the attention of any member of staff by the targets, their friend(s), their parent(s) /carer(s) or other interested people.


  • To provide a safe, caring environment for the whole school community, especially the pupils in our care.
  • To instil in pupils that bullying is unacceptable and that reports of bullying will be taken seriously, recorded and acted upon.
  • To reassure pupils that they will be listened to and will know that it is all right to tell.
  • To heed parents/carers and keep them informed of actions taken in response to a complaint.
  • A full investigation will follow any report of bullying with detailed records kept of incidents, reports and complaints.
  • To take appropriate action, including exclusion in cases of severe bullying.
  • To monitor incidents of bullying during the school year by Heads of Year, Key Stage Leaders and Senior Leaders.

Respect and positive behaviour poster. This poster is also available at the bottom of this web page in pdf format.

Respect our school poster. This poster is also available at the bottom of this web page in pdf format.

Stop, think before you act poster. This poster is also available at the bottom of this web page in pdf format.
Please see below our Whole School Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy.