Careers and Enterprise
At Reddish Vale High School we are committed to providing a planned programme of impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and enterprise education for all pupils across Years 7 – 11.
Mrs Morrison is the Careers Advisor at Reddish Vale, you can contact her by calling school on 0161 477 3544 or Emailing
The table below provides a brief outline of the careers provision pupils will experience in each year group. The programme is personalised and differentiated to ensure relevance and progress in pupils' learning, development and knowledge.
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Pupils will receive 8 hours of dedicated CEIAG training within curriculum time.
Year 10 |
Pupils will receive 6 hours of dedicated CEIAG training within curriculum time.
Year 11 |
The Careers team is continually implementing exciting career and enterprise opportunities extra to what is outlined. These may be in school or with external agencies providing a wide range of chances for pupils at RVHS.