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Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence



Bertolt Brecht: “Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.”

Meet the Drama Department



Email address:

Miss H. Sharples

Teacher of Drama

pupil wearing a theatre mask with red stage lights in the background


The KS3 drama experience focuses on inspiring students to recognise that drama can equip them with the skills to participate effectively in original work they can be proud of. With creativity is at its heart, the course aims to encourage students own individuality through a variety of dramatic styles and stimuli.

pupils performing in the annual school show - Shrek the MusicalGCSE Drama offers students the opportunity to explore drama as a practical art form in which ideas and meaning are communicated to an audience through choices of form, style and convention. Students will create, perform and respond to drama informed by their theoretical knowledge of drama and theatre. The subject content details the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to develop throughout the course of study.

The core aim of the curriculum is to develop independent, creative thinkers who can work collaboratively and have appreciation of theatre as an art form.

Scheme of Learning/Courses/Curriculum Map

KS3 Drama scheme of learning. This document is also available in pdf format at the bottom of this web page

KS4 Drama scheme of learning. This document is also available in pdf format at the bottom of this web page

Willy Russell's Blood Brothers play book coverExam Board Specification - AQA GCSE Drama

Feedback Policy

The primary purpose of feedback is to move students on with their learning. Students receive feedback on their learning in a number of different ways, both formally and informally. 

Formative assessment takes place every lesson in many forms including:

  • Low stakes quizzing
  • Like marking in lessons
  • Questioning
  • Peer and self-assessment (green pen)
  • Examination style questions

Students are provided with detailed written feedback on longer pieces of written work and key pieces. Next steps marking is implemented, alongside other techniques to promote learning and progress. Students are expected to respond to their feedback and make improvements to their work by acting upon it immediately using purple pen.