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Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence


Edmund Burke: “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.”

Meet the History Department



Email address:

Miss A. Lees

Head of Department

Mr B. Foyle

Teacher of History

Ms E. Burleigh

Teacher of History

Mr M. Waring

Teacher of History

pupil's history homework of a historical mapIntent

In History, we explore the events of the past and the important lessons we can learn from them. We encourage all students to be independent learners; not to believe what they are told but to research and examine the evidence for themselves. We aim for all students to discover a passion for leaning about the events of the past and finding out how these have shaped the present. We focus on developing students’ knowledge retention and literacy, which allows them to demonstrate their understanding and help them to reach their own judgements. We want all students to develop the transferable skills they need to improve within history, the wider curriculum and to access further education.

Scheme of Learning/Courses/Curriculum Map

History scheme of learning. This document is also available in pdf format at the bottom of this web page

Exam Board Specification - Pearson Edexcel

Feedback Policy

The primary purpose of feedback is to move students on with their learning. Students receive feedback on their learning in a number of different ways, both formally and informal.

Formative Assessment takes place every lesson in many forms including:

  • Low stakes quizzingpupils standing in front of a display titled 'Impact of WW2'
  • Live marking in lessons
  • Questioning
  • Peer and self-assessment
  • Examination style questioning

Students are provided with detailed written feedback on longer pieces of written work and key pieces. Next steps marking is implemented, alongside other techniques to promote learning and progress. Students are expected to respond to their feedback and make improvements to their work by acting upon it immediately using purple pen.