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Parents Information

Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence

Parents Information

This page will give you important information which will help you to become more familiar with some of the systems we use here at Reddish Vale High School. You can also select our information page to view additional information regarding careers advice, free school meals, rewards and school trips etc. 


Assessment and Achievement

All of the work your child completes is important and will be regularly assessed by their teachers.

Every year your child will sit end of year examinations which will help us assess their progress to date, and also equip them properly for when they take their formal GCSE examinations.

You will receive a progress report twice a year which will provide information on your child’s progress, attitude to learning and the completion of homework.

There is also a consultation evening which will take place before Christmas. It is very important that you attend this. This is a chance to find out how your child has settled in, an opportunity to talk to staff, and to address any concerns.

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please contact their teacher or their Form Tutor.


Parent Pay

Here at Reddish Vale High School we are dedicated to implementing the latest technology and ICT systems to enable our parents' experience to be as efficient as possible. 

Payments to school are now made through Parent Pay which is an online service, allowing you to make secure and safe payments to us here at Reddish Vale High School for anything from school meals to school trips. 

Parents will be given login details for Parent Pay before your child arrives at Reddish Vale and you can click here for more information.