Wellbeing is a key priority here at Reddish Vale High School. We understand that when people feel their best, they perform their best and naturally become happier and more content individuals. In March 2022, we achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools in recognition of our commitment to the wellbeing of the whole school community, and you can find the full report regarding this linked at the bottom of this page.
The link to the award can be accessed here:
We regularly do surveys with our whole school community, so we know what we are doing well and those things we need to work on. On this section of the website you will find key information and sources of support, as well as be able to see the types of things we have been doing in school to support wellbeing.
Useful and confidential websites and phone numbers for additional support
Childline - Phone calls won’t show up on your bill. Open 9am-midnight |
Kooth - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. Open Monday - Friday, 12pm – 10pm, Saturday - Sunday 6 - 10pm |
Samaritans - To talk about anything that is upsetting you Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year |