Working With Our Partner Primaries
At Reddish Vale we see positive and proactive links with our local feeder primary schools as crucial to both our successes and theirs, and we value how these links contribute to the school's position in the local community.
Most important, of course, is ensuring a smooth transition for Year 6 pupils moving up to Reddish Vale High School. The school holds very successful open evenings for partner primary pupils during the year, in addition to the usual induction in July.
The partnership with our Partner Primaries extends far beyond Year 6. We invite Partner Primary Schools to see our own plays in special afternoon performances, we also have our pupils visit the primaries and put performances on for them. Our performing Arts Department produced a concert at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, in which pupils from our Partner Primaries performed in and some pupils have visited us for science experiments and an Operating Theatre Live experience.
Our Partner Primary Schools